Monday, November 17, 2008

Twilight Soundtrack Update

November 22nd is the day I’ll be able to get my hands on it, finally, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t heard pretty much every song on the whole thing anyway.
Since I last wrote about this, the last few songs have been released:

MuteMath – Spotlight (Twilight Mix)

Quoting that Crystal Waters song, Pure Love. On my first listen, I was HOOKED. I downloaded a few of their songs prior to hearing this one, and this song just cemented my belief that they are like America’s answer to Taxiride.

My prediction –this song will be used in EITHER:

a) Bella at school after she’s just started dating Edward. I can just imaging the beginning of the song underlying Bella looking all forlorn/worshipful at Edward after realising she’ll be the centre of attention, again, for an entirely new reason.

b) The baseball scene. It’s upbeat, and rocking. Nuff said.

Perry Farrell – Go All The Way (Into The Twilight)

My train of thought on this song is thus follows:
On first listen: WTF?
Second listen: Um…
Third listen: Alexandra Patsavas, what the F where you thinking, allowing this to go onto the soundtrack?
Twentieth listen: Fine. Whatever. I’m resigned. It get’s stuck in your head, and just. won’t. leave.

My opinion? I expected a lot more. I mean, when I heard the lead from Nine Inch Nails was collaborating on it, I thought, “Heck yes! A song worthy of Twilight!”. I thought it would be gritty and rocky.

Erm. No. In fact, the girl sounds like she’s pinching her nose, and the guy sounds like his things are getting squeezed, admidst all the “Lightning strikes! Let’s gooooooo, into the twilight!”

I’m not even KIDDING. Lightning strikes? What’s next, thunder crashes? Sailor Jupiter comes running in with her arms over her head, calling upon her powers?

Okay, yes, kind of dramatic, but honestly, I couldn’t believe it. I don’t really like the song, but like I said on the twentieth listen, it’s catchy. It gets in your head. But god forbid it get radio play.
My prediction – considering the (coughcheesyandcompletelyunrelated) lyrics:

The bedroom scene. No doubt about it. They will ruin a steamy, tension-filled scene with ‘LIGHTNING STRIIIIIIIIIIIKES in the twilighhhhhhhhhhhht!’ I am currently crying. Can you tell?

Paramore – I Caught Myself

Another good Paramore song, although I have to admit RIGHT NOW I am a member of the Decode-was-better movement. Because… Decode WAS better.

Some people say that they prefer this song, purely because it goes back to Paramore’s roots. I swear I read at some point that “Decode was too emotional for Paramore” I’m trying to find the positive in that. After my whole life of music, I figured emotion was one of the main parts of it. Maybe I was wrong.

My prediction – it’ll be used in the beginning of the movie as either Emo-Edward’s or Insecure-Bella’s anthem. It works either way. But probably Edward. And probably as he’s watching her.

As Edward does.

And just on a side note—Decode’s been officially released, video and all, for a while now. The video keeps in the Twilight theme without rubbing the I’M-ON-THE-TWILIGHT-SOUNDTRACK-AND-THIS-SONG-WILL-BE-IN-THE-MOVIE-AND-DID-I-MENTION-IT’S-RELATED-TO-TWILIGHT??? label in your face (not mentioning names, Farrell). In fact, I heard it on Nova 106.9 the other day and fangirl squealed, jumping around my room like the teenager I am.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Loss of the Spanner

Currently listening to: “Trouble Trouble” by The Potbelleez.

I admit, I usually avoid the show Australian Idol at all costs. Period. The show is lame, lame, lame, and the winners never get ANYWHERE. If I rack my brains hard enough, I can only just remember the last few winners… Natalie Gouchie (sp?)… some Irish guy… nothing.

Sure, when it first came out, I was all
Guy vs Shannon too. I loved the first season. And guess what? Obviously a lot of people did too, because you still hear from Guy, and I own Shannon’s albums. The guy rocks my unsocked feet, which is weird because I usually avoid country music in the same respect as Australian Idol. The guy has such a typical Aussie voice though, so all is forgiven.
Anyway, it was by pure chance that I caught last weeks performance of a man called Mark Spano, aka “Spannerman”, with the gravelly voice and scars that have you begging to ask how he got them. The guys got the whole sexy-and-dangerous thing down. Pat.

So, naturally, he got booted off tonight.

Honestly, he was the only reason why I tuned in this week. I don’t think I was alone in melting at his
rendition of Chris Issak’s “Bad Bad Thing” last week. I mean, he OWNED that song. Even Issak himself (who, conveniently, was on the judging panel) said that, if he could go back, that was how he should have recorded the song. But whatever.

My point is, my heart is now bleeding. Here I was thinking, “Finally! We have a man who can out-sing the lead singer of Kings of Leon at his own song!”. But no. Gone, baby, gone.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Currently listening to: "Walking on a Dream" by Empire of the Sun.

I embraced it and I feared it this year. I mean, I live in Australia. Halloween is usually just another night, sometimes acknowledged and treated with the same amount of wariness as Friday the 13th, but nevertheless unimportant.

Until this year.

Heck, what happened this year? As far back as I care to remember, this year went off like nobody's business. And it was surreal.

My first tip-off was the Halloween merch sales at job number one. Usually each year we get heaps of the stuff, we have nowhere to put it, it becomes something of an eyesore, and is eagerly stashed into toys once November 1 rolls around. This year, however, we couldn’t replenish the stock fast enough. So much so, in fact, that our dearest manager, Dolly, allowed us to dress up and listen to something other than the regulatory music our store is forced to endure. Yep, you guessed it. Thrillers all around.

…Of course I got stuck with making the music (naturally).

It was actually fairly easy, once I decided to embrace the stereotypical Halloween songs. At first I’m all, “There is NO WAY we’re listening to the Time Warp. Nope. Nada.” Then, after my alternate songs ran dry—I managed to find a Prodigy remix of “Ghost Town” and Siobhan’s “Ghosts”—I just gave into the Mash. The Monster Mash.

…You may or may not find me guilty of also slipping in a little “Talk Like That” by The Presets. My argument (apart from the fact that, as a piece of seriously awesome Aussie music that deserves to be flaunted wherever possible) was that it sounded so stereotypically retro, so why not, right? Even if the lyrics has nothing to do with the big H, per se.

Embracing our inner demons, with blood on our necks--AmEx, Dolly (top) and Peggy and me (bottom).

My turn to rock the meat cleaver. Oh yeah.

Anyways, it was totally worth it. We ended up making double what we usually do, so everybody wins. When I told my boss at job number two about it, he just looked at me and said, “Don’t expect that here.”

Being my usual nosy-journalist-in-training self, I ask “Why?”

“Because it’s a stupid American tradition and it makes me sick. If any kids come to my door and ask for a freaking trick or treat, I tell them ‘GO TO FREAKING AMERICA IF YOU WANT A FREAKING TREAT! GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!’”

Nevertheless, by this time I’m blinking at him in shocked silence, mentally apologising to the trauma those poor kids must suffer ever October 31st. Instead, I just reply meekly:

“Um. Pretty sure Halloween is an Irish tradition.”

Someone must love me, otherwise I may have gotten fired at that moment.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fast and the Furious Returns!

Currently listening to: "What Else Is There?" by Royksopp.

This is probably old news, but during my looks through the myspace trailer park I noticed this:

How awesome is that? I loved the first one out of all of them the best, so it'll be great to see the original cast back (in what should have been the sequel, in my opinion). I suddenly can't wait for 09...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It came, I saw, It conquered (my heart)

Currently listening to: "Doesn't Matter (Juan Maclean Remix)" by Kasper Bjorke.
It’s been just over 48 hours, but—if it’s possible, and I’m starting to believe it is—the Twilight phenomenon has GROWN, thanks to the release of the final theatrical trailer.

Just putting it out there, before I watched it I expected the worst. Well, okay, that’s a little exaggerated. I guess I didn’t expect it to be good.

I was wrong. It was made of AWESOME.

Unlike a lot of people, I don’t mind the changes they made for the movie. I guess I was conditioned early on with the Harry Potter movies to expect things to be different, so nothing really surprised me, not even the tree-climbing-fiasco people can’t seem to get over. It’s a movie. They need to amp things up otherwise it’ll be all definitions of dull. They need to emphasise the different aspects of the movie—the romance, the action, the supernatural side—to pull in different demographics.

My favourite parts:

- The music. A lot of people have commented on how it didn't suit, but I find it did--incredibly well. And the techno-ish transition? Kinda sounded reminiscent of the Prodigy's old sound in Fat of the Land (but slowed down).

- The diner scene at the very beginning – “You gotta give me some answers”. If I do say so myself, Robert is looking especially Edward-ian and HOT in this part. Not that he doesn’t look hot in the entire thing. But he especially pulls it off here.

- The Kiss. Yes. Capitalised, because of how good it was. It was… hot. If people doubted the chemistry before, it should have been snuffed at this part. I don’t think they could have casted it better, and I don’t think I could be more jealous of Kristen in this part. I would have died a happy woman if we could have swapped for that particular scene. And MTV Best Kiss Awards in 09, anyone?

- The homage they paid to the cover of the book in the form of Edward catching the apple. So well done, and probably so appreciated by the fans of the book, too.

- Alice, Jasper and Emmett leaping over the balcony all Matrix-like. Very, very cool.

My only issue with the trailer was they didn’t include the human kids enough—Mike, Angela, Eric, Jessica and Jacob. Especially considering Jacob plays such an important role in the upcoming books, I would have thought they’d have put him in. But oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, and this trailer blew me away. I think it blew away quite a few people—for once, I haven’t seen a slew of hate for it yet (coughBreakingDawncough).

And just for the record:

Aww. They are too cute.

My New Novella Obsession: The House of Night Series

Currently listening to: "Disturbia" by Rihanna.

(I may have a spoiler or two in this entry)

I have just recently discovered a brand new book series to sink my teeth into (painful pun intended). The House of Night series, by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, is about a teenage girl who is Marked—practically ‘chosen’ to become a vampyre—and must move to the House of Night, a boarding school for teenagers who have been Marked, and try to live through the Change (the period of years in which the body slowly transforms from human to vampyre).

The only problem? Not everyone lives through the Change. Like some vaccinations for diseases, not everyone’s body accepts the metamorphosis. If the body rejects the Change, the person dies in a pretty gross way.

I’ve read the first three books in the series—Marked, Betrayed and Chosen—and so far like it a lot. It’s different from Twilight, but also the same: it takes previous Vampire lore, gives it a swift kick up the ass and presents us with something different. House of Night is slightly more stereotypical though—the students sleep through the day and wake when the sun goes down, are pale, have really long, thick hair and are usually superhumanly beautiful. A difference, though, is that changing into a vampyre is a slow process that ends with their Mark (the crescent moon tattoo between their eyes) being filled in and an intricate band of tattoos adorning their face and body, and of course developing the bloodlust and extreme power.

The main character, Zoey, is more of a Suze Simon than a Bella Swan, something I kinda appreciate, especially with a story like this one. The novels bring back memories of the Mediator series by Meg Cabot, my first love: Zoey is witty and kicks serious ass, but is still burdened by the everyday problems of being a teenager—such as dating three guys at once and her best friend (and roommate) rejecting the Change and dying in her arms. At times I felt like throwing the books across the room because of some of her decisions, but on the flip side it just goes to show how good the characterisation is—to merit such extreme emotions in me, they must be doing a pretty stellar job.

I checked out their site, and the yearbook is worth checking out--except for the guy they chose for Erik Night. Sooo not how I pictured him. But everyone else was gold.

The fourth, Untamed, is out in the US already, but I’m still waiting for it to come out over in Aussie Land. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hitler Wasn't Dazzled By Breaking Dawn

Currently listening to: "Full Moon" by the Black Ghosts.

It's controversial, it's exaggerated, it's completely, freaking HILARIOUS. For all those people who were just slightly scandalized by Breaking Dawn (not that I'm one of the haters, sorry!):

I especially heart the last bit about Midnight Sun *sob*. That was a sad day, it really was.

My Prediction

Currently listening to: "Ruby" by the Kaiser Chiefs.

Disclaimer: My opinion. If you don’t agree with it, I respect that.

I fully stand by my predictions—when I seriously bother to make them—and they usually turn out accurate. When I first borrowed out Twilight in 05, I knew the book would be the start of something beautiful. Like, no one at the time listened to me, sure, but now I have the right to smush it in their face with a massive “LOL at you!” When I heard the rights to Gossip Girl, a series of books I’ve loved since forever, had been sold early last year, I told anyone who would listen to watch out for it, because it’d be the next OC for sure. Again, no one cared at the time…

My current prediction? I’ll let you in on it.

It’s all about Katy Perry at the moment, right? She came out of freaking nowhere, almost, with a catchy song to boot, and now she’s all anyone cares about. For now. I’m officially adding Katy Perry to my list of blink-and-you’ll-miss them talents that I’ve seen over the past few years.

The definition of blink-and-you’ll-miss them’s: they are the SHIT while their songs are in the top 10; people get over their songs faster than they eat a block of chocolate, and they disappear forever, perhaps returning every now and again to pump out a song that is epic FAIL.

The first person on the BAYMT list is… Sandi Thom.

You don’t know who Sandi Thom is? Or, better yet, REMEMBER who she is? Well that, my friend, therein lies what I’m talking about. One or two years ago, she released a couple of hits – “I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)” and “What If I’m Right?” Everyone was hailing her as the next Missy Higgins, or whatever.

Yeah. I bet Missy took offence to that, too.

The second person on the BAYMT list is (not everyone will agree with this, but I’m sticking with their popularity in Australia so…) Lily Allen.

She came out with her infamous myspace popularity, a Kelly-Osbourne-approach to everyone and a witty song laced with her English accent – “Smile”. Instant success over here, and everyone freaking loved it. Then came a few others, including “LBD”, but now… nada. The only time I see her in tabloids anymore is to see that she’s gone from size twelve to size eight, seemingly with the aid of drugs.

Go figure.

So now, onward with Katy Perry! I’m guessing that her first album will be a chart success—no brains there—for around two or three months at best. The setback with instantly catchy songs is, well, they reach their use-by date so much quicker than others. Soon, if someone so much as quotes “I kissed a girl…and I liked it,” they’ll probably get a guitar pick shoved up their ass just for saying it, because it will be SO OVER. She’ll return in a little while with another album, only to have it do as well as those aforementioned.

But hey, that’s just me, and I’m on Bitching Madness Wednesday at the moment.

P.S: Back on the topic of Katy Perry… she DOES look like Zooey Deschanel, right???

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Official Twilight Soundtrack

Currently listening to: “That’s Not My Name” by The Ting Tings.

Dude, I’ve literally waited for this day for MONTHS. I’m something of a music nerd, so I was actually anticipating the music they were going to use more so than the actual movie. I’m a freak, I’m aware of it.

It was announced today the official tracklist, and apparently they’re ALL appearing in the movie:

1. Muse – Supermassive Black Hole
2. Paramore – Decode
3. The Black Ghosts – Full Moon
4. Linkin Park – Leave Out All The Rest
5. MuteMath – Spotlight (Twilight Mix)
6. Perry Farrell – Going All The Way (Into The Twilight)
7. Collective Soul – Tremble For My Beloved
8. Paramore – I Caught Myself
9. Blue Foundation – Eyes On Fire
10. Rob Pattinson – Never Think
11. Iron and Wine – Flightless Bird, American Mouth
12. Carter Burwell – Bella’s Lullaby

I was already aware that Supermassive Black Hole was going to be on it, and I heard Decode when it was released a few days ago, but I was very surprised to see Tremble For My Beloved on the final list—for Stephenie Meyer used that song herself in the original Twilight playlist.

I’ve given all the tracks—bar the ones that haven’t actually officially been released yet, such as the one by Perry Farrell and Robert Pattinson—a listen, and I like it. I don’t LOVE it, but I like it. The song by The Black Ghosts is easy listening and I love love the Blue Foundation song. I appreciate new music, and the music Alexandra Patsavas picked out suits the theme incredibly well…

I just—and I KNOW I’m not the only one out there—wish that Time Is Running Out by Muse, perhaps a little Why Does It Always Rain On Me by Travis… or even just a bit of In My Place by Coldplay, made it on. Because, to me, those three songs are just so purely Twilight. I’m just a little put out that, of all the songs Stephenie Meyer had put on the original playlist, they chose the one by Collective Soul. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song, but they picked the one I liked least out of the playlist. I should probably just count my blessings, though. They could have included My Chemical Romance, after all.

Oh, and Blue October is missing—I thought for sure that it was a given, considering Justin toured with Stephenie for her Breaking Dawn tour. Obviously not.

I’ll still be buying it on November 4th, though. I can’t miss this CD, Coldplay or no Coldplay.

My two cents

Currently listening to: "Without It" by MuteMath

I decided to grace the world with my opinion on this atrocity:

Yes. The heel-less boots. The very ones that Victoria Beckham has been whoring around town lately—because boots with no heel are so comfortable, and versatile.


They look, in a word, STUPID. And they scream DAMAGE, too. You’re basically balancing on the balls of your feet. What a way to ruin your feet, right? At least they went out in style.

Or not.

I’ll bet my next lousy pay-check that she only wore them to get a rise out of everybody—not because she actually believes they’ll be in next season—because I bet there’s nothing more Posh Spice loves more than to be on the front cover of every tabloid.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tekken Movie

Currently listening to: "One Headlight" by Wallflowers

Obviously, I’ve been under a rock where this movie is concerned—the last time I wrote about this movie was way back in January, and apparently since then the entire thing has been CASTED and FILMED! Where have I been?

Wait. Don’t answer that. I know where I have been, and it definitely wasn’t anywhere near Tekken.

I blame:

Exactly. Now, moving on.

My opinion on the casting? I just watched this youtube video:

You know what? I don’t hate any of them. And, I’m happy to say, I fully approve of who they chose as Nina and Ling. I mean, in the game, Nina is supposed to be something of a skank. An assassin, sure, but a skank. The chick who’s playing her has already been and done the Maxim covers. So go figure, she’s already something of a sex symbol.

The only thing I’m kinda bummed about is the fact that they don’t have Michelle in it. Other than Nina and Ling, she’s also My Character. It said on Wiki that she’s being played by Holly Marie Combs (woo, go Piper!) but considering it’s not anywhere else, I doubt that’s true anymore. I know I should listen to my friend Minus-5 when she said I should believe everything I read on Wikipedia. But it’s just so… convenient! Information like THAT.

My opinion on the directing? Hmm… the only things I recognise that he’s directed is Prison Break, Bones and Free Willy. Just putting it out there, I haven’t seen the first or the last, and watched half an episode of Bones. So I won’t go there.
Overall, I’m excited. It’ll be interesting to see whether it’s any good, considering beat-em-up video games don’t exactly have a good history of being turned into movies…

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It'll be the thing that saves the MTV Movie Awards this year...

It may have been a long time ago, but oh man, I remember when the MTV movie awards used to be worth watching. The one liners were actually funny and the awards weren’t so practiced it was like a surgical procedure. It had some specialty to it, and not just for the fact that it got shitloads of celebrities under the same roof in one night. The last couple of years though, it’s gotten a tad sad. I watched it last year, and the year before, for the same reason I watch the ARIA’s and such… just to find out who was nominated, and who won, in my favourite categories.

BUT, lo and behold, while I’m trying to distract myself this morning – from what I considered my impending doom (my driving test… which I passed, thank goodness) – I read the entry for Twilight Tuesday on the Lexicon. Apparently, the awards show this Sunday is going to be shamelessly promoting three movies – Wanted, The Dark Knight and Twilight. Prior to the show, they’ll be showing a full scene from Twilight. They've kept mum about which scene it is exactly, but they did let it slip that the three stars attending the awards - Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Cam Gigandet (sp?) were the only three in the scene. Any Twilighter can instantly figure out it would be around the end, possibly the ballet scene. I hope it's a good one.

You don’t have to have a phD to figure out that at least MTV aren’t stupid. They are being smart this year in what kind of movies they’re promoting. They KNOW that the Twilight fan-base is like a bunch of rabid dogs (I’ll include myself in this generalisation), and the Dark Knight is an automatic hit (from both it’s pre-existing fan base and Heath Ledger’s role), so they’ll figure it’ll get at least some people watching.

Oh, who am I kidding? If I had cable, I would be glued to the show too.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


*massive GUT-WRENCHING scream*

THIS cannot be happening! TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!!!

The site that broke my heart.

And the site that told me about it, before my heart was broken.

I so wish I hadn't seen that. I can barely wait the six months until it's released. But SEVEN?! FORGEDABOUTIT.

I'll just hope against hope that the hype will cause them to change their minds and release it earlier...

Sometimes I really hate living in down under. We get the CRAPPIEST movies the same time as America (cough Prom Night cough), but a movie that my life is ON HOLD for?

Don't worry about me. I'll just go lick my wounds.

A Twilight round-up

First of all, I love hisgoldeneyes with a passion.

I do.

A couple of days ago, they were brilliant and told us the music that featured in the Twilight teaser trailer (it’s not up there anymore… maybe someone told them to take it down?). Apparently, it’s a little piece called “Red Mist” by a dude called Jim Dooley, whose past credits have Spiderman 3, among other things.

(Promotion? I don’t think so.)

Anyway, you’ll find the file here.

Listen to it. You won’t regret it. I love it, for a reason unknown (my love of Twilight aside). Don’t ask me in particular why, I just doooo.

*inserts random picture of RPatz just to satisfy the fangirl side I've embarrassingly acquired as of late*

Second, I love love love this fan-made video – another New Moon, Bella/Edward/Jacob thing. Like I said before, I wasn’t much of a fan of these videos previously, but I’ve lately converted due to the fact that actual footage from the movie is being used, making it a tad more realistic. And, also, I’m a massive fan of the song by Take That, so go figure:

“Patience” by Rubber Duck Inc.

Third, dabbling around on does have its perks. I uncovered this story, and let’s just say, I’ll never look at a pair of socks the same way again. It’s totally simple, but totally funny:

Jacob Black buys a new pair of socks. No, really.

And fourth... I love these two. Can't wait to see them in the movie playing good old Rosalie and Emmett.

On an unrelated Twilight note, I really want to read some of Jane Austen’s stuff. I read a period-orientated piece of work on the weekend, and I’m hooked. Or maybe I should just rent out Pride and Prejudice again, among others…

Oh, Mr Darcy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I wrote this song, at first, for inspiration in Ancient History last year in grade 12. It worked out so well, that I decided to study people cashing up (the Feudal system) than people dying left, right and centre (Black Death).

Here's the byproduct that accompanied my speech, to the beat of Fergie's "Fergalicious". Read it... if you dare...


Now listen up y'all, coz this is it
the system that we working is feud-ali-cious

Feudalicious definition: make those peasants pay!
They want your treasure so they’ll get their pleasures from a tray
And you can see me, you can beat me
It is easy, it is peasy
I got reasons why I cash up
Money comes and goes with seasons

Feudalicious (Feudalicious)
But I aint too different coz
You put us all together
We're all sucked in right nether
We blow kisses
To all them kings up high, high
And they be looking down at me to make sure I follow their style (four, tres, two, uno)

It's feudalicious
My tax cut (is non existent)
I give them crops a chop-chop
It's feudalicious
They want the money that I got
It's feudalicious
T-t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!

Feudalicious definition: make those peasants pay!
They always come a knocking we are bottom
Hence I say it is
T to the A, X, A T I O N, and
Aint nobody pays as harsh a price as me!

It's feudalicious (feudalicious)
The working is still vicious
I'll be down in the fields just
Punishing the heathens
God to witness…
I make those guys rock-rock and then
Suck up to the system so I don’t get my neck cut

It's feudalicious
My tax cut (is non existent)
I give them crops a chop-chop
It's feudalicious
They want the money that I got
It's feudalicious
H-h-h-h-hold up, check it out!

Baby, baby, baby
This my pick axe you see
Now you see how I work, all day
Ev-er-y day?
Oh the bread is tasty, it is laced with chutney
It's so tasty, tasty, the only thing we eat…

P, to the A, to the Y I N G, oh we’re paying, P, to the A, to Y I N G, where’s my plough, now
T, to the A to the X A T I O N, yes, to the T, to the A, to the…

It’s a sad day
When the tax man comes around looking at me up and down
And I’m like “ooooh”
I just wanna say that I’m not trying to round up drama I call it karma, my bread will return
And I know I’m coming off just a little bit whiny when I keep on repeating how the kings take from me
But I’m trying to say, the system sucks…
But look at those fields!
Hey, take the lot!

Feudalicious (Feudalicious)
But I ain't too different coz
You put us all together
We're all sucked in right nether
We blow kisses
To all them kings up high, high
And they be looking down at me to make sure I follow their style
Four, tres, two, uno
The working is still vicious
I'll be down in the fields just
Punishing the heathens
God to witness
I make those guys rock-rock and then
Suck up to the system so I don’t get my neck cut (four, tres, two, uno)

So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
It's feudalicious, t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)

It's feudalicious, t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!P, to the A, to the Y I N G, oh we’re paying, P, to the A, to Y I N G, here's my coins, now
T, to the A to the X A T I O N, to the T, to the A… etc

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Your daughter," I stated, "is an idiot."

I said this after coming home from the movies tonight, sitting on the kitchen bench while sipping a coffee. My dad just looked at me in that way.

“Your daughter, who – somewhat belatedly – is paying five grand a year for her uni course, who suffered through twelve years of schooling, who claimed that English was her best subject and is planning on pursing a career that heavily involves such a subject... is a dumb shit.”

Again, he just looked at me in his way, waiting for me to make my point.
So I did.

“Your eldest daughter got to the shopping centre half an hour earlier today, and spent around seven dollars on a card for mum for tomorrow. She read absolutely everything on the card, but somehow missed the part where it says ‘Happy Birthday’.”

It was then that I held up said card with my fingertips, as if it contained leprosy. “Face it, I’m screwed.”

Actually, I’m not sure he heard that last sentence, considering he was laughing harder than I’ve seen him laugh for quite some time.

“So, pretty much I’ve butchered the card, cut out the offending words and kind of made it look stupid. But that’s what you get, right? I don’t have time to buy another one.” I said in conclusion, just so at least HE’D know that I don’t just pay seven dollars for a shit card. The card wouldn’t have been shit if not for the fact that it was for mother’s day, not her birthday (considering she’d celebrated the latter like five months ago).

He just continued laughing through all of this, before shaking his head. “Sometimes you can be so blonde, Sarah.”


Meg Cabot's trying to take over the world

I'm totally sure this is her ultimate plan. First, the Princess Diaries. Then, the 1800-Missing series. Then, last thing I'd heard, All-American Girl and Teen Idol were in pre-production, Idol set to be released THIS YEAR.

I heard about it a little while ago, but I didn't decide to comment until there was more information:

Meg Cabot has sold the rights to "The Mediator" series. Apparently, the guy who bought them, and is currently optioning it, made Lemony Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events and newly released Spiderwick Chronicles.

My two cents? I don't mind this idea at all. In fact, it would be AMAZING to see Suze, Jesse, Cee-Cee, Adam and Paul come to life on the big screen. The only thing making me mildly nervous is - the history of the guy who bought the rights? Yeah. Erring a little on the average side.

I'll admit that's being slightly judgemental of me considering i've barely watched these movies, but popular opinion is reliable enough - apparently they weren't GOOD movies. And, even more worrying, they were movies aimed for the young (very young) adolescent market. Even though it would broaden the Mediator market, I would shudder to imagine it toned right down to a G or PG rating.

I won't freak out too spectacularly just yet, however... casting hasn't even begun, so nothing's set in concrete. And I find it a little comforting to know that Meg will be involved in producing it, and has already explained that Jesse's hotness is DETRIMENTAL to the story's plot. Now, it will be up to the casting team to actually find a guy who would be perfect to play Jesse, and can still act his way out of a paper bag.

Although I do find it particularly hilarious that someone started the rumour that Zac Efron was playing Jesse, something Meg quickly denied.

Oh, how I laugh.

People these days will believe that guy can play ANYTHING. Even the twilight podcasting team Phases had a good laugh at the idea that he'd play a good Edward.

Twilight will become a musical! Here are a few
cast members:

Edward Cullen...Zac Efron
Isabella Swan...Miley Cyrus
Charlie Swan...John Travolta
Laurent... Flavor Flave
Rosalie Hale...Kristen Bell
No doubt this will be a talented cast! I'm sure Andrew
is pleased with the choice for Edward Cullen!
Some Song Titles:

"I Really Wish she Stabbed him with a Pencil" preformed
by Mike Newton

"Blood: My Afrodisiac" preformed by Edward Cullen
"I Will Love You Forever...Literally" preformed by Esme
Cullen and Carlise Cullen

"Calm Down or I'll Make You"- preformed by Jasper

"LOL @ Bella" preformed by Emmett Cullen
"I'm too Sexy for Forks High" preformed by Rosalie

I do have one suggestion, for the character of Paul. I saw this guy in a Calvin ad, promptly TORE IT OUT of the magazine and stuck it to my door. He is DREAMY and, if only he had blue eyes (and was a little younger), would be perfect for Paul.

I am, of course, talking about Parker Gregory:

*swoons internally*

Friday, May 9, 2008

My most recent epiphany

It occurred to me this morning, when i was watching Video Hits (for the first time in, I don't know, A CENTURY or something). I was sitting there, chilling, counting down the hours in dismay until I had to drag my sorry buttocks to job number two.

...I'll let you off the hook now, as i'm sure i've babbled enough now.

I watched Ashlee Simpson's "Outta My Head" video clip for the first time.

Actually, i've probably only really heard the song once or twice before on the rare times i'm listening to the radio (I love the little hole i've created myself, only listening to CD's and barely watching television...). I found it reminding me of something. A video clip I had seen, albeit a couple of years ago.

This one:

I found the themes very similar, not that I really mind. They're both catchy songs, and the film clips were pretty good. I just hope Gwen Stefani doesn't feel ripped off that someone is duplicating her style.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

They thought this one out well

I think i'm finally starting the uncover the brilliance of Summit Entertainment when it comes to marketing Twilight - seriously, I guess they knew we would all explode when they released a teaser trailer, but I didn't think they had it in them to release the TEASER teaser trailer that day, and then bombard us with the proper one tomorrow. Honestly, it's pure genius if you think about it.

Seriously, I thought the one I saw (and posted) on Tuesday was going to be it until like, July or something. Then I visit the official web page and I discover the countdown to the REAL teaser trailer (if they are indeed releasing a longer one like I think they are).

I guess you don't need to tell me that i'm excited for tomorrow...

EDIT: The Twilight Lexicon just cleared up that the "sneak peak" wasn't infact a teaser teaser trailer, as I believed. Nay for me and the rest of the twilight fandom :(. The countdown was merely for the teaser trailer to appear on the official website.

They did say that we may be seeing the trailer appear in other platforms from now on though - the Penelope DVD in June/July will contain more on all things Twilight.

Looks like Penelope's DVD sales and rentals are going to be of sky-high proportions.

New Moon Soundtrack

Dang, i've done another one. Couldn't really help it this time. I find this playlist AWESOME if you want to get REALLY DEPRESSED. Almost as depressed as New Moon made you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To see or not to see?

It recently came to my attention that one of my besties, China, is dragging me to a viewing of Iron Man this Saturday. So, the question i'm asking here is... should I or shouldn't I? It could be good... and it could be awful. I usually get a gut instinct when I see previews (see: Speed Racer and the lameness i'm 100% SURE it will contain) on whether they'd be worth seeing, and Iron Man just didn't work it for me.

But China's being pretty persisitant, so I guess i'll be writing here on Sunday what I thought about it.

EDIT: Sunday 11/05/08. Put it simply, it was better than I expected, but not very good. The beginning half an hour was probably the best, and it proceeded to form a half-pipe shape interest. Wah-wah.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The trailer that launched a thousand heart attacks

First, it was THIS picture:

And now it's THE TRAILER. I swear to frick, i've never felt my heart go that weird before. Perhaps this picture i got off photobucket isn't an exaggeration after all...

I feel like singing. I honestly feel like running around trees myself, shouting to anyone that will listen, "THE TRAILER IS OUT!".

I told my father this who, for lack of better words, has his head in the sand on the whole Twilight phenomenon. When i shouted this phrase in his face, he quickly ran to the garage to make sure the trailer - with all the camp equipment - was not, in fact, OUT.

*shakes head in shame*

Anyways, i've added it below. Feel free to watch it once, twice, ten times or more. I know I did...

Twilight in HD

TAKE THAT ROBERT HATERS! I bet y'all are PEEING yourselves now for being so judgemental about Robert being Edward.

I DARE you to identify yourselves...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Host

I did it. I bought The Host.

You see, already being a fan of Stephenie Meyer, this shouldn’t be at all the climactic and unexpected action it is. But I was fully prepared to let the hype pass me by. It was Sci-Fi; I don’t do Sci-Fi. And the whole body-snatcher-alien train of thought? I outgrew that in Animorphs some eight years ago.

I already knew that, in some massive mix-up with the UK publishers, The Host was released in some countries – Australia one of them – a full month before America (now THAT is unheard of). I knew it and yet, walking into the bookstore, my stomach disappeared – possibly evacuated my body – when I saw the book under the ‘just landed’ section. And then, somehow, I was transferring 30-something-bucks out of my account and purchasing the thing.

I couldn’t help it; the layout was so similar to the Twilight novels. I guess I bought it in a way to offset the pain of waiting for Breaking Dawn.

So far, I’ve read the first couple of chapters (even though I bought it Thursday – a record for me, I’m sure). At first I felt I was reading it under obligation – not just to my bank account, but to Meyer as well – kind of feeling detached over the whole thing, like I was watching a documentary in school again that is just dripping in apathy. But the last chapter I read saved it for me – it contained just enough intrigue to get my cogs working - only because the male lead has entered the scene, of course. What can I say? It’s a little bone given to the monster in me just waiting for Edward Cullen to appear in this story... laser beams or no laser beams.

I’ll keep you all posted!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Movie Sequels

I just finished watching Transformers, and it occurred to me that the sequel would be coming out next year. Which left me pondering, what exactly would it be about? You see, I’m quite excited for sequels usually, except there is also this fear inside that they’ll screw it up and tarnish my opinion of the series forevermore. But that’s just me here. I wasn’t even GOING to see Transformers at one point because I’m all “that’s so typical, they take a CHILDREN’S toy and turn it into an ADULT’S movie.” Well, they did, but I didn’t expect it to be done SO WELL.

So... 2009. We shall see, no?

Speaking of sequels, my co-worker (which I dub thee as January) are equally excited about the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2. It’ll probably pull more people in than the first, because of Blake Lively living it up on Gossip Girl these days...

New Twilight publicity photo

I finally got my new laptop up, running and completely internet-friendly, and I christened it by checking in on the numerous twilight fansites, to discover that Summit’s FINALLY released an actual promo picture. Not the promo we recieved back in February where they didn’t have anything right (not hair, makeup... facial expressions...), but an ACTUAL promo that looks “vamp-tastic” as the Twilighters like to say. I especially love love Alice in the left, the actress has her character nailed perfectly!

Check it out:

Credit where credits due: Cinematical.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I’ve almost approached the weekly mark of my car accident! The insurance company still hasn’t rung me up to say when I can get it fixed, but I’m not really worrying all that much – turns out, my little Daewoo, Alexis, does great in a collision. She made utter scrap metal of the girl who ran into me, so much so that apparently her car got written off and I need a wee paint job.

I guess the karma thing is real... it IS only fair, considering I was the innocent learner in all of this. And I found out yesterday I’ll be going for my licence at the end of this month *silent squeeing*. I guess the dreading and the nervousness will come later...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Video Drop

First of all, I just wanted to share my disgust over the whole NoMoreMarbles issue. Seriously, what is wrong with that part of the Twilight fanbase? What gives them the right to insult and threaten one of their own, purely because of her popularity amongst viewers?

Personally, I’m a fan of Bailey. I enjoy her videos – the way she handles the Twilight issues, and her opinions on them, are quite hilarious. I don’t understand why people can’t just leave her alone. If you don’t like the videos, DON’T WATCH THEM. It’s quite a simple concept, one that I pretty much got down pat in grade 5.

Her reaction to the hate:

Okay, rant over.

On a side note, SmokeyFizz have done it again with another brilliant video. I thought it was so well done I had to shove it on here – it’s Midnight Sun (Twilight in Edwards POV). Considering no one’s even thought of this before, I reckon they did a pretty good job:

Monday, April 28, 2008

Speed Racer and Twilight: how the two are REMOTELY connected

Apart from the fact that the stars of each movie have previously worked together.

So, Speed Racer. It looked like a seriously lame movie. I could barely sit through the 3 minute preview I saw for it shortly before seeing Prom Night (and look how well THAT one turned out) and I thought to myself, I am not seeing it. I am NOT SEEING THIS. Even if it has the guy from Into The Wild. Even if the dudes from the Matrix produced it.


And then I find out that the Twilight Teaser trailer is going to be shown before the movie. So… you guessed it. I’m paying $6.50 for a two-minute long trailer. I’ve really become pathetic, haven’t I?

It’ll probably make history, the first movie to be a box-office smash BECAUSE OF THE TRAILERS BEFOREHAND.

If you’re like me, and want to be prepared beforehand so you know it’s coming up (because I am one of the MOST UNOBSERVANT PEOPLE EVER) and will probably drop dead by the time you've figured it out and miss it anyway, a
livejournal account has got the details.

EDIT: Apparently the last paragraph is not so anymore; the author took them down due to the controversy. But, if you managed to catch them beforehand, you'll know as well as I do that Kristen and Robert are looking HAWT these days...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm done

My essay is complete. Oh yes… I’m celebrating by surfing the net, something I stopped myself from doing for the 5 hours I was writing my essay. But now, I’m FREE!

Anyways, a new blog has just come to my attention, and it has Stephenie Meyer’s seal of approval: Twilight Guy. Personally, as a writer myself, I find it fascinating looking at the story from a guys point of view. And watching him slowly get hooked on it. Quite hilarious too, at that. Check it out!

120 is the new 100

I got a call from my dearest bestie China yesterday, saying that she got flashed by a speed camera doing, oh, you know, only 20 over the speed limit.

I tried to tell her, with quite an unconvincing voice, that she might NOTlose her license over it. But I think it’s pretty much a given. Whoops for her... at least I’ll be getting my license soon… chauffeur anyone?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Twilight Tuesdays

I've known about it for a while, but seeing this video just made it all the more real. MTV have really hit the jackpot, and they're hitting it HARD. They've found a topic that will draw in hundreds of thousands of people to their site... but i'm not complaining, especially since i'm just as obsessed with this as the next person. So, every Tuesday, they'll be releasing some awesome stuff for us to look at.

Looks like I have a new favourite day of the week...

This just went up on YouTube:

Ogle at Edward. Go on. I know you want to.

Taxed from someone else

RULES:1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.
1.If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
"Beautiful Love” by The Afters
(make of THAT however you want)

2.How would you describe yourself?
”Butterfly” by Motor Ace
(I don’t mind this one)

3.What do you like in a guy?
”Rockstar” by Nickelback

4.How do you feel today?
”From The Sea” by Eskimo Joe
(“the world repeats itself some how”. Oh yes. I like)

5.What is your life's purpose?
”In The Air Tonight” by Full Blown Rose

6.What is your motto?
”4 In The Morning” by Gwen Stefani
(always. *smacks head*)

7.What do your friends think of you?
”Nu Nu" by Fannypack
(hmm… the English language doesn’t have enough words to DESCRIBE the magnificence of ME)

8.What do you think of your parents?
”Empty Room” by Marjorie Fair
(haha. No seriously, I love my parentals)

9.What do you think about very often?
”No Sleep Tonight” by The Faders
(especially around exam time)

10.What is 2 + 2?
”Don’t Panic” by Coldplay
(coz we all know I failed year one math)

11.What do you think of your best friend?
”Deeper Water” by Deadstar

12.What do you think of the person you like?
”I see Girls” by Studio B
(the song LIES)

13.What is your life story?
”Stoned In Love” by Chicane
(nah, I gave up on love yonks ago)

14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
”Bubbly” by Colbie Caillat

15.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
”In My Head” by Your Vegas

16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
”I’m Not The Only One” by Filter
(ooh, yeah. VERY appropriate. Nawt)

17.What will they play at your funeral?
”Stab My Back” by The All American Rejects
(*massive, earth-shattering snort*)

18.What is your hobby/interest?
”Get Ur Freak On” by Missy Elliot and Nelly Furtado.

19.What is your biggest fear?
”Papercut” by Linken Park.
(oh yeah, those bitches HURT)

20.What is your biggest secret?
”Two Hearts” by Kylie Minogue
(are you scared of me yet?)

21.What do you think of your friends?”Run Baby Run” by Garbage
(*another earth-shattering snort* sorry guys!)

I should be...

Working on my History essay, due Monday. I’m actually looking forward to Monday, in a sense that I’m dreading it. Before I confuse everyone royally, let me explain: I have a massive essay I’ve only half finished due in 3 days, but I know that once Monday arrives, it’ll be all over and I can relax. Whew. Go me.

So, naturally, I’m blogging. As you do.

…Can you even begin to entertain the idea that my sole New Year’s resolution was to stop procrastinating?


That totally worked, I’m sure. A grand total of one hour or so.

On a side note, later today I’ll find out when my driving test is. I’m looking forward to it in the same perverse fashion as my history essay – the license will be EXTREME to have, but I’m looking forward to the test like a date with the firing squad. We’ll see… but I do feel a tad better after confiding my fears in one of my Uni friends. She pretty much said she got her license and she drove on the wrong side of the road. So maybe the test isn’t as hard as they make it out to be.

It could be all some conspiracy to make us invest large amounts of $50 notes in driving lessons.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

And another Twilight-related note

I recently discovered this fan-made video set in New Moon. It has got to be the best I’ve ever seen – although to be honest, I tend to avoid fan-made videos for fear the cheesiness will leak through the computer screen.

But, alas, SmokeyFizz have earned my love. It might have something to do with the way they layer the images, and use audio clips. Check it out:

And although I never imaged any techno songs to ever be related to the Twilight series, I have to say this song is pretty darn awesome.

Another week, another video to induce hyperventilating

Yes, MTV did it again. I swear to frick, I love Larry Carroll, their journalist. He officially has THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD. I want his job. When I graduate from uni with my Bachelor of Journalism, I will be TRACKING HIM DOWN.

Actually, if I can’t find Alexandra Patsavas and get her job first, then I’ll TRACK HIM DOWN. Alexandra is a music supervisor for so many popular TV shows and movies, and gets PAID to make soundtracks for them. Hmm… the worst job in the world, I’d imagine, getting paid to discover music.

Not that I’m endorsing them or anything. The love just runs deep, is all.

So, this movie was actually a dual production from Summit and MTV, so the awesomeness has been upped since the last video just by that factor alone. And, of course, the fact it was also narrated by Stephenie Meyer – just like NoMoreMarbles said in her reaction to the video – was AWESOME.

Here it is, in all its 4 minute glory:

I’m just going to officially make a few points.
One: I love Alice. Alice, already my favourite character, has been cast probably the best out of everyone. And Ashley Greene is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

Two: I can’t believe the only clip they gave of Rob speaking in an American accent had the word ‘spidermonkey’ in it.
Third: I was only mildly drooling over James in the shirtless scene. Don’t hold it against me.
And finally: I totally experienced heart palpitations like never before when I saw that part with Edward and Bella in the hospital scene. I love Bella’s reaction, although I would have done more than inflate like a balloon while I was swooning. I probably would have… I dunno, dropped dead.

Mmm… James…

My sister made a good point last night when, after watching the video, whined, “Why can’t it come out NOW?!?!”


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Prom Night – Mine was better than theirs, hands down.

And I say that literally and… cinematically?

Now, I am a pretty tolerant person, and I’m not very critical when it comes to movies. The only time I become so is usually when I buy into the hype, and look forward to seeing said movie, only to be disappointed. Like, I-want-my-hour-and-a-half-BACK disappointed. The movie Prom Night was the second time this has ever happened.

The first time was The Covenant.

Pure hotness in a package of a dodgy script and even dodgier direction.

Well, okay. Maybe the only reason I was ever excited about these two movies was the hotness of the men involved.

I bought into Prom Night purely because of Kellan Lutz, of Stick It and Accepted fame (and soon to be Twilight, but I won’t get started… in THIS post, at least). At least his character didn’t die, although to die in a horror movie your character has to actually DO something, other than date the token bitch. Then again, maybe the moral of the story is: Date a Bitch, Live through the Sitch.

… Or not.



My point is, I can safely say that although my school didn’t have a Hollywood budget, we still had a good time. I didn’t exactly have a good time watching this movie.

In a nutshell, Prom Night definitely won’t be rented by me in the future. Or even bought from a $5 dollar throw-out bin.

On second thought… the little part Kellan played WAS probably worth $5…

Prom Night has been put in the “OH MY GOSH!” pile. The first, and only other movie to have been put there was Licensed to Wed. I didn’t even make it through to the end on that one.