Monday, April 28, 2008

Speed Racer and Twilight: how the two are REMOTELY connected

Apart from the fact that the stars of each movie have previously worked together.

So, Speed Racer. It looked like a seriously lame movie. I could barely sit through the 3 minute preview I saw for it shortly before seeing Prom Night (and look how well THAT one turned out) and I thought to myself, I am not seeing it. I am NOT SEEING THIS. Even if it has the guy from Into The Wild. Even if the dudes from the Matrix produced it.


And then I find out that the Twilight Teaser trailer is going to be shown before the movie. So… you guessed it. I’m paying $6.50 for a two-minute long trailer. I’ve really become pathetic, haven’t I?

It’ll probably make history, the first movie to be a box-office smash BECAUSE OF THE TRAILERS BEFOREHAND.

If you’re like me, and want to be prepared beforehand so you know it’s coming up (because I am one of the MOST UNOBSERVANT PEOPLE EVER) and will probably drop dead by the time you've figured it out and miss it anyway, a
livejournal account has got the details.

EDIT: Apparently the last paragraph is not so anymore; the author took them down due to the controversy. But, if you managed to catch them beforehand, you'll know as well as I do that Kristen and Robert are looking HAWT these days...

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