Friday, April 25, 2008

I should be...

Working on my History essay, due Monday. I’m actually looking forward to Monday, in a sense that I’m dreading it. Before I confuse everyone royally, let me explain: I have a massive essay I’ve only half finished due in 3 days, but I know that once Monday arrives, it’ll be all over and I can relax. Whew. Go me.

So, naturally, I’m blogging. As you do.

…Can you even begin to entertain the idea that my sole New Year’s resolution was to stop procrastinating?


That totally worked, I’m sure. A grand total of one hour or so.

On a side note, later today I’ll find out when my driving test is. I’m looking forward to it in the same perverse fashion as my history essay – the license will be EXTREME to have, but I’m looking forward to the test like a date with the firing squad. We’ll see… but I do feel a tad better after confiding my fears in one of my Uni friends. She pretty much said she got her license and she drove on the wrong side of the road. So maybe the test isn’t as hard as they make it out to be.

It could be all some conspiracy to make us invest large amounts of $50 notes in driving lessons.

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