Was of course, on Saturday. It was a particularly beautiful day; I had the whole day off, homework free (well, not really. I should probably change that to homework-i-needed-to-do-but-couldn’t-be-stuffed-free) and I was looking forward to a girls night out. AND THEN I log onto one of the various Twilight-related fan sites I obsessively check every day (okay, every 8 hours) for updates and I came across THE video. The video that made us Twilighters (or Twi-Hards) sit still, and click ‘replay’ as soon as it ended. I am, of course, talking about this one:
*insert loud fangirl squeal at the supreme HOTNESS of the Twilight men*
I tell you, I have never felt such happiness. Well, I may have. But I can’t really remember and considering my life is on hold until December 12 when the movie comes out – the day I will experience the TRUE MEANING OF HAPPINESS – I can’t really be bothered to walk down memory road.
My mother believes that I am doing such a thing – you know, concentrating almost obsessively on one topic – is a tactic to distract myself from the monotony of my life as of late. Maybe she’s right. But maybe I don’t care. Yeah. I don’t.
Whatever. If Twilight brings me happiness, then who should hold that against me? Besides, I can’t really be blamed. Ever since last Thursday, when ET released this behind-the-scenes video, my obsession just went into overdrive.
So, blame ET. Blame MTV. Heck, blame Stephenie Meyer for making me fall in love with (yet another) fictional character – Edward Cullen – and forever raise the standards of future boyfriends to unreachable heights.
I’ll sign off now (promptly before crying in a corner at my own supreme lameness) with a picture I made quickly after viewing the MTV video.
I’ll sign off now (promptly before crying in a corner at my own supreme lameness) with a picture I made quickly after viewing the MTV video.

Oh yes. I went there.
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