Friday, May 2, 2008

Movie Sequels

I just finished watching Transformers, and it occurred to me that the sequel would be coming out next year. Which left me pondering, what exactly would it be about? You see, I’m quite excited for sequels usually, except there is also this fear inside that they’ll screw it up and tarnish my opinion of the series forevermore. But that’s just me here. I wasn’t even GOING to see Transformers at one point because I’m all “that’s so typical, they take a CHILDREN’S toy and turn it into an ADULT’S movie.” Well, they did, but I didn’t expect it to be done SO WELL.

So... 2009. We shall see, no?

Speaking of sequels, my co-worker (which I dub thee as January) are equally excited about the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2. It’ll probably pull more people in than the first, because of Blake Lively living it up on Gossip Girl these days...

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