Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The trailer that launched a thousand heart attacks

First, it was THIS picture:

And now it's THE TRAILER. I swear to frick, i've never felt my heart go that weird before. Perhaps this picture i got off photobucket isn't an exaggeration after all...

I feel like singing. I honestly feel like running around trees myself, shouting to anyone that will listen, "THE TRAILER IS OUT!".

I told my father this who, for lack of better words, has his head in the sand on the whole Twilight phenomenon. When i shouted this phrase in his face, he quickly ran to the garage to make sure the trailer - with all the camp equipment - was not, in fact, OUT.

*shakes head in shame*

Anyways, i've added it below. Feel free to watch it once, twice, ten times or more. I know I did...

Twilight in HD

TAKE THAT ROBERT HATERS! I bet y'all are PEEING yourselves now for being so judgemental about Robert being Edward.

I DARE you to identify yourselves...

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