Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To see or not to see?

It recently came to my attention that one of my besties, China, is dragging me to a viewing of Iron Man this Saturday. So, the question i'm asking here is... should I or shouldn't I? It could be good... and it could be awful. I usually get a gut instinct when I see previews (see: Speed Racer and the lameness i'm 100% SURE it will contain) on whether they'd be worth seeing, and Iron Man just didn't work it for me.

But China's being pretty persisitant, so I guess i'll be writing here on Sunday what I thought about it.

EDIT: Sunday 11/05/08. Put it simply, it was better than I expected, but not very good. The beginning half an hour was probably the best, and it proceeded to form a half-pipe shape interest. Wah-wah.

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