You see, already being a fan of Stephenie Meyer, this shouldn’t be at all the climactic and unexpected action it is. But I was fully prepared to let the hype pass me by. It was Sci-Fi; I don’t do Sci-Fi. And the whole body-snatcher-alien train of thought? I outgrew that in Animorphs some eight years ago.
I already knew that, in some massive mix-up with the UK publishers, The Host was released in some countries – Australia one of them – a full month before America (now THAT is unheard of). I knew it and yet, walking into the bookstore, my stomach disappeared – possibly evacuated my body – when I saw the book under the ‘just landed’ section. And then, somehow, I was transferring 30-something-bucks out of my account and purchasing the thing.
I couldn’t help it; the layout was so similar to the Twilight novels. I guess I bought it in a way to offset the pain of waiting for Breaking Dawn.
So far, I’ve read the first couple of chapters (even though I bought it Thursday – a record for me, I’m sure). At first I felt I was reading it under obligation – not just to my bank account, but to Meyer as well – kind of feeling detached over the whole thing, like I was watching a documentary in school again that is just dripping in apathy. But the last chapter I read saved it for me – it contained just enough intrigue to get my cogs working - only because the male lead has entered the scene, of course. What can I say? It’s a little bone given to the monster in me just waiting for Edward Cullen to appear in this story... laser beams or no laser beams.

I’ll keep you all posted!
1 comment:
Blehgr! Please do keep us posted (or at least me XD). I saw The Host in Angus & Robinson a couple of days ago and had a moment of torturous indecision before putting it down again and backing away.
So I really want to know if it's any good!
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