I'm totally sure this is her ultimate plan. First, the Princess Diaries. Then, the 1800-Missing series. Then, last thing I'd heard, All-American Girl and Teen Idol were in pre-production, Idol set to be released THIS YEAR.
I heard about it a little while ago, but I didn't decide to comment until there was more information:
Meg Cabot has sold the rights to "The Mediator" series. Apparently, the guy who bought them, and is currently optioning it, made Lemony Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events and newly released Spiderwick Chronicles.
My two cents? I don't mind this idea at all. In fact, it would be AMAZING to see Suze, Jesse, Cee-Cee, Adam and Paul come to life on the big screen. The only thing making me mildly nervous is - the history of the guy who bought the rights? Yeah. Erring a little on the average side.
I'll admit that's being slightly judgemental of me considering i've barely watched these movies, but popular opinion is reliable enough - apparently they weren't GOOD movies. And, even more worrying, they were movies aimed for the young (very young) adolescent market. Even though it would broaden the Mediator market, I would shudder to imagine it toned right down to a G or PG rating.
I won't freak out too spectacularly just yet, however... casting hasn't even begun, so nothing's set in concrete. And I find it a little comforting to know that Meg will be involved in producing it, and has already explained that Jesse's hotness is DETRIMENTAL to the story's plot. Now, it will be up to the casting team to actually find a guy who would be perfect to play Jesse, and can still act his way out of a paper bag.
Although I do find it particularly hilarious that someone started the rumour that Zac Efron was playing Jesse, something Meg quickly denied.
Oh, how I laugh. People these days will believe that guy can play ANYTHING. Even the twilight podcasting team Phases had a good laugh at the idea that he'd play a good Edward. Twilight will become a musical! Here are a few
cast members:
Edward Cullen...Zac Efron
Isabella Swan...Miley Cyrus
Charlie Swan...John Travolta
Laurent... Flavor Flave
Rosalie Hale...Kristen Bell
No doubt this will be a talented cast! I'm sure Andrew
is pleased with the choice for Edward Cullen!
Some Song Titles:
"I Really Wish she Stabbed him with a Pencil" preformed
by Mike Newton
"Blood: My Afrodisiac" preformed by Edward Cullen
"I Will Love You Forever...Literally" preformed by Esme
Cullen and Carlise Cullen
"Calm Down or I'll Make You"- preformed by Jasper
"LOL @ Bella" preformed by Emmett Cullen
"I'm too Sexy for Forks High" preformed by Rosalie
I do have one suggestion, for the character of Paul. I saw this guy in a Calvin ad, promptly TORE IT OUT of the magazine and stuck it to my door. He is DREAMY and, if only he had blue eyes (and was a little younger), would be perfect for Paul.
I am, of course, talking about Parker Gregory:

*swoons internally*
Oh-belatedly, I wanted to say that I personally loved A Series of Unfortunate Events. Fantastic movie. Have you seen it? If you haven't and are just going on what you've been told...well, I think it was bloody terrific. =)
So maybe all is not lost...
Yeah, I'm just going on the general opinion of a few close friends :) I might see it, next time I'm at the video shop with time to kill...
zac efron as jesse? please! i'll personally go and put a pierce through the heart of the director befor he casts someone like zac! i think jonathan bennett fits the bill! and the cedric guy from harry potter is perfect for the role of edward!!!
anyway, loved your write-up! :)
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