Since I last wrote about this, the last few songs have been released:
MuteMath – Spotlight (Twilight Mix)
Quoting that Crystal Waters song, Pure Love. On my first listen, I was HOOKED. I downloaded a few of their songs prior to hearing this one, and this song just cemented my belief that they are like America’s answer to Taxiride.
My prediction –this song will be used in EITHER:
a) Bella at school after she’s just started dating Edward. I can just imaging the beginning of the song underlying Bella looking all forlorn/worshipful at Edward after realising she’ll be the centre of attention, again, for an entirely new reason.
Perry Farrell – Go All The Way (Into The Twilight)
My train of thought on this song is thus follows:
On first listen: WTF?
Second listen: Um…
Third listen: Alexandra Patsavas, what the F where you thinking, allowing this to go onto the soundtrack?
Twentieth listen: Fine. Whatever. I’m resigned. It get’s stuck in your head, and just. won’t. leave.
My opinion? I expected a lot more. I mean, when I heard the lead from Nine Inch Nails was collaborating on it, I thought, “Heck yes! A song worthy of Twilight!”. I thought it would be gritty and rocky.
Erm. No. In fact, the girl sounds like she’s pinching her nose, and the guy sounds like his things are getting squeezed, admidst all the “Lightning strikes! Let’s gooooooo, into the twilight!”
I’m not even KIDDING. Lightning strikes? What’s next, thunder crashes? Sailor Jupiter comes running in with her arms over her head, calling upon her powers?
Okay, yes, kind of dramatic, but honestly, I couldn’t believe it. I don’t really like the song, but like I said on the twentieth listen, it’s catchy. It gets in your head. But god forbid it get radio play.
My prediction – considering the (coughcheesyandcompletelyunrelated) lyrics:

The bedroom scene. No doubt about it. They will ruin a steamy, tension-filled scene with ‘LIGHTNING STRIIIIIIIIIIIKES in the twilighhhhhhhhhhhht!’ I am currently crying. Can you tell?
Paramore – I Caught Myself
Another good Paramore song, although I have to admit RIGHT NOW I am a member of the Decode-was-better movement. Because… Decode WAS better.
Some people say that they prefer this song, purely because it goes back to Paramore’s roots. I swear I read at some point that “Decode was too emotional for Paramore” I’m trying to find the positive in that. After my whole life of music, I figured emotion was one of the main parts of it. Maybe I was wrong.
My prediction – it’ll be used in the beginning of the movie as either Emo-Edward’s or Insecure-Bella’s anthem. It works either way. But probably Edward. And probably as he’s watching her.
As Edward does.
And just on a side note—Decode’s been officially released, video and all, for a while now. The video keeps in the Twilight theme without rubbing the I’M-ON-THE-TWILIGHT-SOUNDTRACK-AND-THIS-SONG-WILL-BE-IN-THE-MOVIE-AND-DID-I-MENTION-IT’S-RELATED-TO-TWILIGHT??? label in your face (not mentioning names, Farrell). In fact, I heard it on Nova 106.9 the other day and fangirl squealed, jumping around my room like the teenager I am.
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