Usually, I get added by bands slash events slash people in general, hoping to promote their music slash event slash product. And whatever. I add them, and I never follow through. Heartless? Not really. I just presume that I was one of thousands added, and it'll work with SOMEONE, that someone not being me.
But, for some reason, I looked into this one.
And, boy am I thankful.
Hana Pestle. Where do I begin? From my random googling, she's apparently a singer/songwriter in her late teens, who is pushing to get her song "Need" on the New Moon Motion Picture Soundtrack. I figured she was just one of many, but then I gave the song a listen.
Picture a voice that sounds eerily similar to Amy Lee (i'm sure, a consequence of the producer being Ben Moody, who did his thing with Evanescence) and an intricate, haunting piano in the background, and you have yourself a perfect New Moon song. Seriously, I think this one has what it takes.

Glad you stumbled across Hana. For more Hana info, be sure to visit hanafans.com
i really think that Need is a perfect song for New Moon, it totally have to be in the soundtrack...
it's amazing!
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