Disclaimer: My opinion. If you don’t agree with it, I respect that.
I fully stand by my predictions—when I seriously bother to make them—and they usually turn out accurate. When I first borrowed out Twilight in 05, I knew the book would be the start of something beautiful. Like, no one at the time listened to me, sure, but now I have the right to smush it in their face with a massive “LOL at you!” When I heard the rights to Gossip Girl, a series of books I’ve loved since forever, had been sold early last year, I told anyone who would listen to watch out for it, because it’d be the next OC for sure. Again, no one cared at the time…
My current prediction? I’ll let you in on it.

The definition of blink-and-you’ll-miss them’s: they are the SHIT while their songs are in the top 10; people get over their songs faster than they eat a block of chocolate, and they disappear forever, perhaps returning every now and again to pump out a song that is epic FAIL.
The first person on the BAYMT list is… Sandi Thom.

Yeah. I bet Missy took offence to that, too.
The second person on the BAYMT list is (not everyone will agree with this, but I’m sticking with their popularity in Australia so…) Lily Allen.

Go figure.
So now, onward with Katy Perry! I’m guessing that her first album will be a chart success—no brains there—for around two or three months at best. The setback with instantly catchy songs is, well, they reach their use-by date so much quicker than others. Soon, if someone so much as quotes “I kissed a girl…and I liked it,” they’ll probably get a guitar pick shoved up their ass just for saying it, because it will be SO OVER. She’ll return in a little while with another album, only to have it do as well as those aforementioned.
But hey, that’s just me, and I’m on Bitching Madness Wednesday at the moment.
P.S: Back on the topic of Katy Perry… she DOES look like Zooey Deschanel, right???

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