Just putting it out there, before I watched it I expected the worst. Well, okay, that’s a little exaggerated. I guess I didn’t expect it to be good.
I was wrong. It was made of AWESOME.
Unlike a lot of people, I don’t mind the changes they made for the movie. I guess I was conditioned early on with the Harry Potter movies to expect things to be different, so nothing really surprised me, not even the tree-climbing-fiasco people can’t seem to get over. It’s a movie. They need to amp things up otherwise it’ll be all definitions of dull. They need to emphasise the different aspects of the movie—the romance, the action, the supernatural side—to pull in different demographics.
My favourite parts:
- The music. A lot of people have commented on how it didn't suit, but I find it did--incredibly well. And the techno-ish transition? Kinda sounded reminiscent of the Prodigy's old sound in Fat of the Land (but slowed down).
- The diner scene at the very beginning – “You gotta give me some answers”. If I do say so myself, Robert is looking especially Edward-ian and HOT in this part. Not that he doesn’t look hot in the entire thing. But he especially pulls it off here.
- The Kiss. Yes. Capitalised, because of how good it was. It was… hot. If people doubted the chemistry before, it should have been snuffed at this part. I don’t think they could have casted it better, and I don’t think I could be more jealous of Kristen in this part. I would have died a happy woman if we could have swapped for that particular scene. And MTV Best Kiss Awards in 09, anyone?
- The homage they paid to the cover of the book in the form of Edward catching the apple. So well done, and probably so appreciated by the fans of the book, too.
- Alice, Jasper and Emmett leaping over the balcony all Matrix-like. Very, very cool.
My only issue with the trailer was they didn’t include the human kids enough—Mike, Angela, Eric, Jessica and Jacob. Especially considering Jacob plays such an important role in the upcoming books, I would have thought they’d have put him in. But oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, and this trailer blew me away. I think it blew away quite a few people—for once, I haven’t seen a slew of hate for it yet (coughBreakingDawncough).
And just for the record:

Aww. They are too cute.
okay, i have to say I TOTALLY agree with you.
even though movies inspired in books are not close enough to the original, that's the way it has to be. so has happened to harry potter, but still it's movies are great.
it's jst about having peole giving their bodies and image to the characters we keep in our imagination.
i'm a twilight fan myself, even though harry potter has a much more suspense thingy.
i just found out your blog, and it's great. i also keep one myself, but it's in portuguese :S
*keep the good work!
Thanks for the comment! It's a shame your blog is portuguese :( I can't wait for the movie, it's a month away from release here in aussie-land...
I just saw the movie and Emmet and Jasper are so HOT!!!!
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