Wednesday, May 28, 2008
It'll be the thing that saves the MTV Movie Awards this year...
BUT, lo and behold, while I’m trying to distract myself this morning – from what I considered my impending doom (my driving test… which I passed, thank goodness) – I read the entry for Twilight Tuesday on the Lexicon. Apparently, the awards show this Sunday is going to be shamelessly promoting three movies – Wanted, The Dark Knight and Twilight. Prior to the show, they’ll be showing a full scene from Twilight. They've kept mum about which scene it is exactly, but they did let it slip that the three stars attending the awards - Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Cam Gigandet (sp?) were the only three in the scene. Any Twilighter can instantly figure out it would be around the end, possibly the ballet scene. I hope it's a good one.
You don’t have to have a phD to figure out that at least MTV aren’t stupid. They are being smart this year in what kind of movies they’re promoting. They KNOW that the Twilight fan-base is like a bunch of rabid dogs (I’ll include myself in this generalisation), and the Dark Knight is an automatic hit (from both it’s pre-existing fan base and Heath Ledger’s role), so they’ll figure it’ll get at least some people watching.
Oh, who am I kidding? If I had cable, I would be glued to the show too.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
THIS cannot be happening! TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!!!
The site that broke my heart.
And the site that told me about it, before my heart was broken.
I so wish I hadn't seen that. I can barely wait the six months until it's released. But SEVEN?! FORGEDABOUTIT.
I'll just hope against hope that the hype will cause them to change their minds and release it earlier...
Sometimes I really hate living in down under. We get the CRAPPIEST movies the same time as America (cough Prom Night cough), but a movie that my life is ON HOLD for?
Don't worry about me. I'll just go lick my wounds.
A Twilight round-up
I do.
A couple of days ago, they were brilliant and told us the music that featured in the Twilight teaser trailer (it’s not up there anymore… maybe someone told them to take it down?). Apparently, it’s a little piece called “Red Mist” by a dude called Jim Dooley, whose past credits have Spiderman 3, among other things.
(Promotion? I don’t think so.)
Anyway, you’ll find the file here.
Listen to it. You won’t regret it. I love it, for a reason unknown (my love of Twilight aside). Don’t ask me in particular why, I just doooo.
*inserts random picture of RPatz just to satisfy the fangirl side I've embarrassingly acquired as of late*
Second, I love love love this fan-made video – another New Moon, Bella/Edward/Jacob thing. Like I said before, I wasn’t much of a fan of these videos previously, but I’ve lately converted due to the fact that actual footage from the movie is being used, making it a tad more realistic. And, also, I’m a massive fan of the song by Take That, so go figure:
“Patience” by Rubber Duck Inc.
Third, dabbling around on does have its perks. I uncovered this story, and let’s just say, I’ll never look at a pair of socks the same way again. It’s totally simple, but totally funny:
Jacob Black buys a new pair of socks. No, really.
And fourth... I love these two. Can't wait to see them in the movie playing good old Rosalie and Emmett.

Oh, Mr Darcy!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Here's the byproduct that accompanied my speech, to the beat of Fergie's "Fergalicious". Read it... if you dare...
Now listen up y'all, coz this is it
the system that we working is feud-ali-cious
Feudalicious definition: make those peasants pay!
They want your treasure so they’ll get their pleasures from a tray
And you can see me, you can beat me
It is easy, it is peasy
I got reasons why I cash up
Money comes and goes with seasons
Feudalicious (Feudalicious)
But I aint too different coz
You put us all together
We're all sucked in right nether
We blow kisses
To all them kings up high, high
And they be looking down at me to make sure I follow their style (four, tres, two, uno)
It's feudalicious
My tax cut (is non existent)
I give them crops a chop-chop
It's feudalicious
They want the money that I got
It's feudalicious
T-t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!
Feudalicious definition: make those peasants pay!
They always come a knocking we are bottom
Hence I say it is
T to the A, X, A T I O N, and
Aint nobody pays as harsh a price as me!
It's feudalicious (feudalicious)
The working is still vicious
I'll be down in the fields just
Punishing the heathens
God to witness…
I make those guys rock-rock and then
Suck up to the system so I don’t get my neck cut
It's feudalicious
My tax cut (is non existent)
I give them crops a chop-chop
It's feudalicious
They want the money that I got
It's feudalicious
H-h-h-h-hold up, check it out!
Baby, baby, baby
This my pick axe you see
Now you see how I work, all day
Ev-er-y day?
Oh the bread is tasty, it is laced with chutney
It's so tasty, tasty, the only thing we eat…
P, to the A, to the Y I N G, oh we’re paying, P, to the A, to Y I N G, where’s my plough, now
T, to the A to the X A T I O N, yes, to the T, to the A, to the…
It’s a sad day
When the tax man comes around looking at me up and down
And I’m like “ooooh”
I just wanna say that I’m not trying to round up drama I call it karma, my bread will return
And I know I’m coming off just a little bit whiny when I keep on repeating how the kings take from me
But I’m trying to say, the system sucks…
But look at those fields!
Hey, take the lot!
Feudalicious (Feudalicious)
But I ain't too different coz
You put us all together
We're all sucked in right nether
We blow kisses
To all them kings up high, high
And they be looking down at me to make sure I follow their style
Four, tres, two, uno
The working is still vicious
I'll be down in the fields just
Punishing the heathens
God to witness
I make those guys rock-rock and then
Suck up to the system so I don’t get my neck cut (four, tres, two, uno)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
It's feudalicious, t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
So feudalicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)
It's feudalicious, t-t-t-t-tax, tax cut!P, to the A, to the Y I N G, oh we’re paying, P, to the A, to Y I N G, here's my coins, now
T, to the A to the X A T I O N, to the T, to the A… etc
Saturday, May 10, 2008
"Your daughter," I stated, "is an idiot."
“Your daughter, who – somewhat belatedly – is paying five grand a year for her uni course, who suffered through twelve years of schooling, who claimed that English was her best subject and is planning on pursing a career that heavily involves such a subject... is a dumb shit.”
Again, he just looked at me in his way, waiting for me to make my point.
So I did.
“Your eldest daughter got to the shopping centre half an hour earlier today, and spent around seven dollars on a card for mum for tomorrow. She read absolutely everything on the card, but somehow missed the part where it says ‘Happy Birthday’.”
It was then that I held up said card with my fingertips, as if it contained leprosy. “Face it, I’m screwed.”
Actually, I’m not sure he heard that last sentence, considering he was laughing harder than I’ve seen him laugh for quite some time.
“So, pretty much I’ve butchered the card, cut out the offending words and kind of made it look stupid. But that’s what you get, right? I don’t have time to buy another one.” I said in conclusion, just so at least HE’D know that I don’t just pay seven dollars for a shit card. The card wouldn’t have been shit if not for the fact that it was for mother’s day, not her birthday (considering she’d celebrated the latter like five months ago).
He just continued laughing through all of this, before shaking his head. “Sometimes you can be so blonde, Sarah.”
Meg Cabot's trying to take over the world

Twilight will become a musical! Here are a few
cast members:
Edward Cullen...Zac Efron
Isabella Swan...Miley Cyrus
Charlie Swan...John Travolta
Laurent... Flavor Flave
Rosalie Hale...Kristen Bell
No doubt this will be a talented cast! I'm sure Andrew
is pleased with the choice for Edward Cullen!
Some Song Titles:
"I Really Wish she Stabbed him with a Pencil" preformed
by Mike Newton
"Blood: My Afrodisiac" preformed by Edward Cullen
"I Will Love You Forever...Literally" preformed by Esme
Cullen and Carlise Cullen
"Calm Down or I'll Make You"- preformed by Jasper
"LOL @ Bella" preformed by Emmett Cullen
"I'm too Sexy for Forks High" preformed by Rosalie

Friday, May 9, 2008
My most recent epiphany
...I'll let you off the hook now, as i'm sure i've babbled enough now.
I watched Ashlee Simpson's "Outta My Head" video clip for the first time.
Actually, i've probably only really heard the song once or twice before on the rare times i'm listening to the radio (I love the little hole i've created myself, only listening to CD's and barely watching television...). I found it reminding me of something. A video clip I had seen, albeit a couple of years ago.
This one:
I found the themes very similar, not that I really mind. They're both catchy songs, and the film clips were pretty good. I just hope Gwen Stefani doesn't feel ripped off that someone is duplicating her style.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
They thought this one out well
Seriously, I thought the one I saw (and posted) on Tuesday was going to be it until like, July or something. Then I visit the official web page and I discover the countdown to the REAL teaser trailer (if they are indeed releasing a longer one like I think they are).
I guess you don't need to tell me that i'm excited for tomorrow...
EDIT: The Twilight Lexicon just cleared up that the "sneak peak" wasn't infact a teaser teaser trailer, as I believed. Nay for me and the rest of the twilight fandom :(. The countdown was merely for the teaser trailer to appear on the official website.
They did say that we may be seeing the trailer appear in other platforms from now on though - the Penelope DVD in June/July will contain more on all things Twilight.
Looks like Penelope's DVD sales and rentals are going to be of sky-high proportions.
New Moon Soundtrack

It's All Over But The Crying - Garbage

Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
Don't Forget Me - Way Out West
Stay With Me - Danity Kane
After All - Delerium
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - U2
Fix You - Coldplay
Heaven Forbid - The Fray
Near To You - A Fine Frenzy
Broken - Lifehouse
Better Off Alone - Grinspoon
The World I Know - Collective Soul
Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol
All Around Me - Flyleaf
Empty Room - Marjorie Fair
You're Not Alone - Saosin
All Fall Down - OneRepublic
The Scientist - Coldplay
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
To see or not to see?
But China's being pretty persisitant, so I guess i'll be writing here on Sunday what I thought about it.
EDIT: Sunday 11/05/08. Put it simply, it was better than I expected, but not very good. The beginning half an hour was probably the best, and it proceeded to form a half-pipe shape interest. Wah-wah.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The trailer that launched a thousand heart attacks
And now it's THE TRAILER. I swear to frick, i've never felt my heart go that weird before. Perhaps this picture i got off photobucket isn't an exaggeration after all...
I feel like singing. I honestly feel like running around trees myself, shouting to anyone that will listen, "THE TRAILER IS OUT!".
I told my father this who, for lack of better words, has his head in the sand on the whole Twilight phenomenon. When i shouted this phrase in his face, he quickly ran to the garage to make sure the trailer - with all the camp equipment - was not, in fact, OUT.
*shakes head in shame*
Anyways, i've added it below. Feel free to watch it once, twice, ten times or more. I know I did...
Twilight in HD
TAKE THAT ROBERT HATERS! I bet y'all are PEEING yourselves now for being so judgemental about Robert being Edward.

I DARE you to identify yourselves...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Host

I already knew that, in some massive mix-up with the UK publishers, The Host was released in some countries – Australia one of them – a full month before America (now THAT is unheard of). I knew it and yet, walking into the bookstore, my stomach disappeared – possibly evacuated my body – when I saw the book under the ‘just landed’ section. And then, somehow, I was transferring 30-something-bucks out of my account and purchasing the thing.
I couldn’t help it; the layout was so similar to the Twilight novels. I guess I bought it in a way to offset the pain of waiting for Breaking Dawn.
So far, I’ve read the first couple of chapters (even though I bought it Thursday – a record for me, I’m sure). At first I felt I was reading it under obligation – not just to my bank account, but to Meyer as well – kind of feeling detached over the whole thing, like I was watching a documentary in school again that is just dripping in apathy. But the last chapter I read saved it for me – it contained just enough intrigue to get my cogs working - only because the male lead has entered the scene, of course. What can I say? It’s a little bone given to the monster in me just waiting for Edward Cullen to appear in this story... laser beams or no laser beams.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Movie Sequels
So... 2009. We shall see, no?
Speaking of sequels, my co-worker (which I dub thee as January) are equally excited about the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2. It’ll probably pull more people in than the first, because of Blake Lively living it up on Gossip Girl these days...
New Twilight publicity photo

Thursday, May 1, 2008
I guess the karma thing is real... it IS only fair, considering I was the innocent learner in all of this. And I found out yesterday I’ll be going for my licence at the end of this month *silent squeeing*. I guess the dreading and the nervousness will come later...