Friday, January 18, 2008

Twilight movie

I was as excited as the next person when I found out that my favourite book of all time, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, was being turned into a movie. Of all the books they’ve turned into a movie, I thought to myself that it was about time Twilight had its turn. The protagonist Bella, and the much-loved Edward have already been chosen by Hollywood to be brought to life through Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson respectively.

Can I just say, I’ve noticed on the internet that A LOT of people have a problem with this? They think that these two which have been chosen don’t look the part, or match what they pictured in their head. I just wish they’d realise that just because they don’t match the PRECISE perception that every SINGLE person had of the main characters doesn’t mean that those chosen can’t ACT the part. They obviously got chosen for a reason, and I trust that the casting agents know what they’re doing.

Sure, I was a little cut for the selection. I was a supporter of the ‘Emily Browning as Bella movement’ but I’ve seen for a fact these guys selected can act – I remember Stewart distinctly as that kid opposite Jodie Foster in Panic Room, and obviously all who aren’t strangers to the Harry Potter phenomenon have seen Pattinson in Goblet of Fire.

I’m excited about who is going to get chosen for the remaining characters, especially Jacob Black, but I think it’s more important that they end up casting people that won’t completely ruin the movie. After all, choosing the most attractive people you can find to fill acting roles isn’t always going to get you a good movie – just watch the Covanent, and you’ll get what I’m aiming at. While all the guys were gorgeous, Caleb and Tyler in particular, the acting was terrible. The movie, which had quite a promising storyline, was brought down by the creators desire to appeal to an audience.

So, until the movie comes out, I think people should stop their whinging and complaining, and sit back and watch it unravel and THANK the fact that they’re making a movie at all.

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