Monday, January 21, 2008

Expect the Unexpected

It occurred to me one hour after I saw in the New Year that this year would be very different. I should expect the unexpected, per se.

This occurred to me the moment I discovered that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, my ex-boyfriend of approximately 3 days had already moved on… to his ex-girlfriend. It was actually his ex-girlfriend-now-girlfriend-again that told me they had been back together since Boxing Day. Oh, how cut I was, and what a nice thing to be told when you’re erring on the side of a drunken stupor.

My second indicator was the fact that I’ve enrolled into my university courses for this semester, but when I went back to check them with more depth I realised that the “Academic English Writing” was actually, when fully stretched out, the “Academic English Writing for Asian Speaking Students”. And didn’t that take a while to clean up, first dropping the course like a hot potato and enrolling in a different one, then fixing up the mess that was my timetable.

I guess the moral is, A) I should never trust men again and B) Read the fine print when subjecting yourself to an Asian-focused course. Well… maybe just B. I’m trying desperately hard not to be bitter about the first point.

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