Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happiness Is...

Today I was on the tail of my mother, following her from one shop to another while she hurries to get back-to-school books for my two younger sisters. Her brainwave in paying ultimately less by not buying the pre-made book packages has pretty much gone against her, considering everything was practically sold out. But anyway, I minced my way into a random bookshop (mincing on the account of having accumulated a blister on my feet, courtesy of my trusty havianas) and discovered a whole batch of Gossip Girl novels.

Happiness is finding Gossip Girl novels that you can buy. Seriously. Ever since the TV show came out on Foxtel, finding the novels in the local library is almost like an archaeological expedition. You can search and search, ultimately ending up with nothing – probably because someone got there first.

I’m happy that everyone likes it now. That Gossip Girl has now become fully-fledged mainstream material. I’m not one of those people who like the indie stuff until the indie stuff becomes mainstream. But it’s just so INCONVENIENT, that’s all.

But not anymore. I’ll be mincing my way back into that bookshop to purchase the lot.

As soon as payday rolls around.

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