I am still increasingly cut that my father, who prizes technology in the first degree, who always likes having the latest software on the PC, has once again turned down my idea of cable television.
I approached him tonight during our nightly father-daughter bonding session (aka the washing and wiping up) and asked him (nay, BEGGED him) to have cable installed. When he asked “why” in that you-can’t-possibly-think-I’ll-say-yes-you-fool kind of way that he’s distinguished for, I let it loose. First, I fed him bullshit about how I’ll need the Discovery Channel for my university studies (before he knocked it down saying I was doing Journalism, not, like, animal husbandry). Then I was all for saying that, in terms of being globally-sound, an interest in politics and economics is one of which that will get you far in life. He, again, knocked that one back by pretty much saying that if it’s not on A Current Affair, it isn’t worth knowing. So I finally admitted that, if anything, could we please get Fox8 so I could indulge in the new TV series Gossip Girl which, although is not must-see television, is a guilty pleasure and, “hey, those two aren’t really mutually exclusive anymore anyway”. I mean, before it got taken off YouTube due to copyright infringement, I enjoyed the first three episodes of season one. And not just because it has striking similarities to the OC (even though that’s why I thought it’d be alright), I’d read the books and loved them. Not because they were academically enriching and educational, but because it was a little like The Sex and the City. Not exactly rocket science, but you loved it anyway because it was just so dishy.

Needless to say, he knocked it back. Not that I expected anything else, after he rejected my first two arguments, which probably would have appealed to him more so than high heels and scandal.
Oh well. Back to the drawing board.
Over and out!
Oh well. Back to the drawing board.
Over and out!
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