Monday, October 13, 2008
Fast and the Furious Returns!
This is probably old news, but during my looks through the myspace trailer park I noticed this:
How awesome is that? I loved the first one out of all of them the best, so it'll be great to see the original cast back (in what should have been the sequel, in my opinion). I suddenly can't wait for 09...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It came, I saw, It conquered (my heart)
Just putting it out there, before I watched it I expected the worst. Well, okay, that’s a little exaggerated. I guess I didn’t expect it to be good.
I was wrong. It was made of AWESOME.
Unlike a lot of people, I don’t mind the changes they made for the movie. I guess I was conditioned early on with the Harry Potter movies to expect things to be different, so nothing really surprised me, not even the tree-climbing-fiasco people can’t seem to get over. It’s a movie. They need to amp things up otherwise it’ll be all definitions of dull. They need to emphasise the different aspects of the movie—the romance, the action, the supernatural side—to pull in different demographics.
My favourite parts:
- The music. A lot of people have commented on how it didn't suit, but I find it did--incredibly well. And the techno-ish transition? Kinda sounded reminiscent of the Prodigy's old sound in Fat of the Land (but slowed down).
- The diner scene at the very beginning – “You gotta give me some answers”. If I do say so myself, Robert is looking especially Edward-ian and HOT in this part. Not that he doesn’t look hot in the entire thing. But he especially pulls it off here.
- The Kiss. Yes. Capitalised, because of how good it was. It was… hot. If people doubted the chemistry before, it should have been snuffed at this part. I don’t think they could have casted it better, and I don’t think I could be more jealous of Kristen in this part. I would have died a happy woman if we could have swapped for that particular scene. And MTV Best Kiss Awards in 09, anyone?
- The homage they paid to the cover of the book in the form of Edward catching the apple. So well done, and probably so appreciated by the fans of the book, too.
- Alice, Jasper and Emmett leaping over the balcony all Matrix-like. Very, very cool.
My only issue with the trailer was they didn’t include the human kids enough—Mike, Angela, Eric, Jessica and Jacob. Especially considering Jacob plays such an important role in the upcoming books, I would have thought they’d have put him in. But oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, and this trailer blew me away. I think it blew away quite a few people—for once, I haven’t seen a slew of hate for it yet (coughBreakingDawncough).
And just for the record:

Aww. They are too cute.
My New Novella Obsession: The House of Night Series
(I may have a spoiler or two in this entry)
I have just recently discovered a brand new book series to sink my teeth into (painful pun intended). The House of Night series, by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, is about a teenage girl who is Marked—practically ‘chosen’ to become a vampyre—and must move to the House of Night, a boarding school for teenagers who have been Marked, and try to live through the Change (the period of years in which the body slowly transforms from human to vampyre).
The only problem? Not everyone lives through the Change. Like some vaccinations for diseases, not everyone’s body accepts the metamorphosis. If the body rejects the Change, the person dies in a pretty gross way.

I’ve read the first three books in the series—Marked, Betrayed and Chosen—and so far like it a lot. It’s different from Twilight, but also the same: it takes previous Vampire lore, gives it a swift kick up the ass and presents us with something different. House of Night is slightly more stereotypical though—the students sleep through the day and wake when the sun goes down, are pale, have really long, thick hair and are usually superhumanly beautiful. A difference, though, is that changing into a vampyre is a slow process that ends with their Mark (the crescent moon tattoo between their eyes) being filled in and an intricate band of tattoos adorning their face and body, and of course developing the bloodlust and extreme power.
The main character, Zoey, is more of a Suze Simon than a Bella Swan, something I kinda appreciate, especially with a story like this one. The novels bring back memories of the Mediator series by Meg Cabot, my first love: Zoey is witty and kicks serious ass, but is still burdened by the everyday problems of being a teenager—such as dating three guys at once and her best friend (and roommate) rejecting the Change and dying in her arms. At times I felt like throwing the books across the room because of some of her decisions, but on the flip side it just goes to show how good the characterisation is—to merit such extreme emotions in me, they must be doing a pretty stellar job.
I checked out their site, and the yearbook is worth checking out--except for the guy they chose for Erik Night. Sooo not how I pictured him. But everyone else was gold.
The fourth, Untamed, is out in the US already, but I’m still waiting for it to come out over in Aussie Land. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hitler Wasn't Dazzled By Breaking Dawn
It's controversial, it's exaggerated, it's completely, freaking HILARIOUS. For all those people who were just slightly scandalized by Breaking Dawn (not that I'm one of the haters, sorry!):
I especially heart the last bit about Midnight Sun *sob*. That was a sad day, it really was.
My Prediction
Disclaimer: My opinion. If you don’t agree with it, I respect that.
I fully stand by my predictions—when I seriously bother to make them—and they usually turn out accurate. When I first borrowed out Twilight in 05, I knew the book would be the start of something beautiful. Like, no one at the time listened to me, sure, but now I have the right to smush it in their face with a massive “LOL at you!” When I heard the rights to Gossip Girl, a series of books I’ve loved since forever, had been sold early last year, I told anyone who would listen to watch out for it, because it’d be the next OC for sure. Again, no one cared at the time…
My current prediction? I’ll let you in on it.

The definition of blink-and-you’ll-miss them’s: they are the SHIT while their songs are in the top 10; people get over their songs faster than they eat a block of chocolate, and they disappear forever, perhaps returning every now and again to pump out a song that is epic FAIL.
The first person on the BAYMT list is… Sandi Thom.

Yeah. I bet Missy took offence to that, too.
The second person on the BAYMT list is (not everyone will agree with this, but I’m sticking with their popularity in Australia so…) Lily Allen.

Go figure.
So now, onward with Katy Perry! I’m guessing that her first album will be a chart success—no brains there—for around two or three months at best. The setback with instantly catchy songs is, well, they reach their use-by date so much quicker than others. Soon, if someone so much as quotes “I kissed a girl…and I liked it,” they’ll probably get a guitar pick shoved up their ass just for saying it, because it will be SO OVER. She’ll return in a little while with another album, only to have it do as well as those aforementioned.
But hey, that’s just me, and I’m on Bitching Madness Wednesday at the moment.
P.S: Back on the topic of Katy Perry… she DOES look like Zooey Deschanel, right???

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Official Twilight Soundtrack

2. Paramore – Decode
3. The Black Ghosts – Full Moon
4. Linkin Park – Leave Out All The Rest
5. MuteMath – Spotlight (Twilight Mix)
6. Perry Farrell – Going All The Way (Into The Twilight)
7. Collective Soul – Tremble For My Beloved
8. Paramore – I Caught Myself
9. Blue Foundation – Eyes On Fire
10. Rob Pattinson – Never Think
11. Iron and Wine – Flightless Bird, American Mouth
12. Carter Burwell – Bella’s Lullaby

I’ll still be buying it on November 4th, though. I can’t miss this CD, Coldplay or no Coldplay.
My two cents
I decided to grace the world with my opinion on this atrocity:
Yes. The heel-less boots. The very ones that Victoria Beckham has been whoring around town lately—because boots with no heel are so comfortable, and versatile.
They look, in a word, STUPID. And they scream DAMAGE, too. You’re basically balancing on the balls of your feet. What a way to ruin your feet, right? At least they went out in style.

Or not.
I’ll bet my next lousy pay-check that she only wore them to get a rise out of everybody—not because she actually believes they’ll be in next season—because I bet there’s nothing more Posh Spice loves more than to be on the front cover of every tabloid.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tekken Movie

Overall, I’m excited. It’ll be interesting to see whether it’s any good, considering beat-em-up video games don’t exactly have a good history of being turned into movies…